We love carrying books from local authors at Republic of Letters, including independently published authors. If you have a book you think would be a good fit for us, please email us at republicoflettersbooks@gmail.com with the subject line BOOK SUBMISSION, and the following information:

  1. Author’s name, contact info, social media accounts if applicable, and a brief bio

  2. Book title and summary (please include an image of the cover)

  3. How is it published (what publisher or printer)?

  4. When was it/will it be released?

  5. How many pages is it?

  6. Is the title printed on the spine?

  7. Does it have a barcode printed on it?

  8. Is there a suggested retail price printed on the book? If so, what is it?

  9. How is it available for wholesale purchase (direct from the author, through Ingram, etc)?

  10. Where is it currently available for retail sale?

  11. What is the wholesale price?

  12. Why do you think this book is a good fit for Republic of Letters?